Dibrugarh, Christashram 2018: On 30 May 2018
there was the blessing and inauguration of the Chapel at Christashram
Dibrugarh. It was done in a solemn Holy Eucharist presided over by Rt. Rev.
Joseph Aind Sdb, Bishop of Dibrugarh. It was attended by a large number of
Priests, Sisters, Catechists, Teachers, Seminarians, Pustulants, Faithful and
Well Wishers. The Chapel is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception.
It was a long awaited dream come true when in a
very moving and devotional ceremony the newly built Chapel was blessed and
inaugurated. Rev. Fr. Timothy Saldanha, the Director was congratulated and
thanked for this unique achievement in the history of the Diocese of Dibrugarh.
The people who took part in the ceremony were
in great appreciation and praise for the wonderful work. It was a felt need of
the Diocese to have a chapel at Christashram for the catechetical and religious instructional
purpose. It has taken long years of planning and tremendous efforts to bring it
to completion. Bishop Joseph Aind Sdb, thanked Fr. Timothy Saldanha for the
wonderful work he was able to achieve.
De Pal