1. Benedictines (Sylvestrians) (OSB)

Conventual Prior,

St. Joseph’s Monastery, Makkiyad - 670 731

Waynad Dist. Kerala

2. Fransalians (MSFS)

Provincial Superior

SFS Provincial House,

Satgaon - Narengi , G.P.O. Box 308,

Guwahati - 781 001

[email protected]

[email protected] (House)

3. Paulines : Society of St. Paul (SSP )


Society of St. Paul

Post Box No.9814

23rd Road, T.P.S.III

Bandra (W), Mumbai - 400 050

[email protected]


4. Salesians : Salesians of Don Bosco ( SDB )


Don Bosco, P.B. Box No. 40

Dimapur, Nagaland - 797 112

[email protected]

5. Society of Jesus (SJ)

Mission Superior

Jesuit Bhavan, Hazarapar / Rail Gate,

P.O. Tezpur – 784 001

Sonitpur Dist., Assam

6. Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel (SG)

Provincial Superior

Montfort School

G.S. Road, 10th Mile, Amerigog,

Guwahati - 781 023

[email protected]

7. Congregation of St. Therese (CST Brothers)

Regional Superior

Regional Mission House

Sonaighuli, Sawkuchi, Guwahati-7810374

[email protected]


8. Missionaries of Compassion (MoC)

Superior General

Generalate House, H. No. 6-91/B

Ave Maria Nagar, Aliabad P.O.

Shameerpet (MNDL), Via Nisa

R. R. Dist., 500 078, Telengana

9. Society of Pilars (SFX)

Rev. Fr. Provincial

Provincialate ,

Pilar fathers, 193/1, Andul Road,

P.O. Danesh Sheik Lane,

Howrah-711 109. West Bengal

[email protected]

10. Vincentian Congregation( VC )

Provincial Superior

Vincentian Provincial House

Padra, Rewa 486 001 Madhya Pradesh

[email protected], [email protected]

11. The Disciples (DBSI)

Moderator General

Don Bosco Centre,

P.O. Kunkuri – 496 225

Dist. Jashpur , Chattisgarh



1. Apostolic Carmel (AC)

Provincial Superior Apostolic Carmel Provincial  House

96 , Moore Avenue, Kolkatta 700 040

[email protected]

2. B. Capitanio & V. Gerosa, Sisters of Charity (SCCG)

Provincial Superior “Mangalalaya”

G.P.O. Box No.247, Guwahati – 781 001,  Assam

[email protected]

3. Sisters of Cross of Chavanod ( SCC )

Provincial Superior Holy  Cross Convent

P.B.  336, Guwahati 781 001,  Assam

4. Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA)

Provincial  Superior Auxilium Provincial House, Christian  Basti,  GMC Road

Dispur  781  005,  Guwahati, Assam

[email protected]

5. Franciscan Clarist Congregation (FCC)

Mother Provincial

Clarist  Home,  Mantripukhri P.O.

Post Box No.35, Imphal – 795 002,   Manipur

[email protected]

6. Missionaries of Charity ( MC )

Regional  Superior,

Missionaries of Charity, KRB Road Bharalumukh, Guwahati – 781 009

7. Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians (MSMHC)

Provincial  House Sacred Heart Province, Bordoloi Nagar P.O.,

Dist.  Tinsukia  -  786125, Assam

[email protected]

8. Sisters of Institute of Nazareth ( CSN )

Provincial  Superior

Nazareth Nivas, 5/4-A Muirabad, Allahabad – 211 002,  U.P.

9. Sacred Heart Congregation ( SH )

Provincial  Superior

S.H. Amala Provincialate, Koliabhomora P.O., Tezpur Dist. Sonitpur - 784 027,   Assam

[email protected]

10. Sisters of Mary Immaculate ( SMI )

Provincial  Superior SMI Provincial House Kanaklata Path No.  24

Rukminigaon,  Dispur  - Assam

11. Ursuline Sisters of the Congregation of Tildonk (OSU)

Provincial  Superior Ursuline Provincial House Post Box No.7, Gutlong

Tezpur 784 001, Sonitpur,  Assam

12. Sisters of Our Lady of Fatima (FS)

Regional Superior Kroot  Niwas

Fatima  Regional  House Rangia  781  354 Assam, India

[email protected]

13. Daughters of Presentation of Mary in the Temple (DPM)

Regional  Superior Presentation  Regional  House,

Chevayur P.O.

Calicut  673  017, Kerala

[email protected]

14. Franciscan Sisters of St. Mary of the Angels (FSMA)

Provincial Superior St. Mary’s Ashram

Goner Road, Jagatpura P.O. Jaipur - 302 025, Rajasthan

15. Daughters of St. Anne (DSA)

Provincial Superior

St. Anne’s Provincialate Mohitnagar P.O.

Jalpaiguri - 735 101, West Bengal

[email protected]